As you may know, you have always been able to use your credit card to pay for an order that you call in. Now you can also use your card: - to pay for an order that you place on the web site; and - to pay all or part of an invoice. We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover cards.
We are using iTransact, a major Web commerce company, to process our credit card Web orders. When you give us your credit card number, you will be entering it directly into iTransact's secured server, so safety and confidentiality is assured. iTransact encrypts all ordering information so that no part of your order -- including your name, address, and credit card number -- can be read by anyone else. Also, no credit card information is kept in an Internet-accessible file.
You will be given the option to pay by credit card for the job you are placing, at the time you are placing it. You can pay for any particular job without affecting your standard billing (e.g., if you have credit with us and we normally invoice you, any jobs you have already paid for by credit card will appear on your invoice marked "PAID"; jobs not already paid for will appear as they do now).
Here is how the process works:
You must have an account with us to pay by credit card. If you do not have one, you can set one up in less than 5 minutes on our web page (click here to open an account).
If you already have an account with us, log on as usual to place an order.
Place your order. On the page that gives you the tracking number, there is a button at the bottom "Pay by Credit Card". If your account indicates that you must pay for each job at the time of placing it, you must click the button and enter a credit card. Your job will not be activated until your credit card is processed. If you have a credit account with us, the job will be activated as soon as this page shows with your tracking number. You still have the option of paying for this job by credit card if you want, but the order will be dispatched anyway.
If you want to (or have to) pay by credit card, click the button. This will take you to iTransact's site. As mentioned above, you will enter all your credit card data here, on secured, encrypted servers; your credit card info is not kept on Quick Delivery's site.
Fill in the information requested on that page (all information is required) and click to submit.
If there are any problems, iTransact will show an error message with instructions on how to proceed. If no problems, you will return to our web site to a page confirming the order and showing how much your card was charged.
If you are required to pay at the time of job placement and your credit card cannot be processed for any reason, the web site order you are trying to pay for will not be dispatched. In this case, the order must be re-entered (you can do it yourself with a different card or call the office for a C.O.D.). If you are a credit customer with us and your card is declined, your order will be dispatched anyway and will just be billed on your invoice from us.
If you enter a valid e-mail address on iTransact, you will receive an e-mail confirming the transaction.
For customers that we invoice, the "View Invoices" page now gives you the ability to pay all or part of an outstanding invoice with your credit card on this web site.
Click a "View Invoices" button to go to a list of your invoices, as usual.
Select the invoice you want from from the list and view it.
When the detail page appears showing the jobs on that invoice, there will be a check box by each unpaid job. By default, all boxes are checked.
To pay the entire invoice, leave all the boxes checked and click "Pay Selected", or click "Pay All".
To pay only some jobs, uncheck the ones you don't want to pay and click "Pay Selected".
The page will show you the total of what you are paying and then send you to iTransact's site, where you will proceed as above.
When iTransact reports successful payment, a credit will be issued for that invoice. It will take one to two days for the credit to be processed.
Any problems, call 847-534-2244 (ask for Programming)
or e-mail us at